Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hospital Again

Thursday and Friday Anna was fussy on and off...she would cry for no apparent reason and she wanted to be held almost all day. Saturday morning she had a seizure around 10 am and then slept for 3 hours, stayed awake for an hour, and then back to sleep again. She just wasn't herself. We called our Doctor around 4:30 and he said to take her to the ER and he would have them waiting for us. They did x-rays, blood work, and a CAT scan. The scan showed that her ventricles were slightly bigger than earlier in the week (which means pressure build up). This isn't at a dangerous level and isn't considered an emergency, however it is something that has to be corrected before it becomes an emergency. We spent the night in the hospital and went again for a scan this morning to see if anything changed overnight. Now we are waiting to hear from the doctors.

More to follow - I am sure that you all know what to pray for...that this is over soon, that Anna doesn't have to have another surgery, that the ventricles get smaller, and that Anna feels better soon!

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