Thursday, September 17, 2009

BUMMER - Back at Dell for Surgery

Anna is experiencing pressure on the left side of her brain (surgery site) and has a blocked shunt. Anna was swollen at the surgery site yesterday and seemed to be quite miserable. I had her checked out, but they said to watch her overnight. She didn't sleep well last night, so first thing this morning I called the surgeon's office. They scheduled her for a MRI and after a very long morning, she was admitted back into the hospital this afternoon and is scheduled for surgery at 10am Friday morning. Anna has had a shunt for a couple of years that takes the extra fluid from her brain to her tummy. Something from last weeks surgery has blocked the shunt, so in the morning she will have a shunt revision.

Please pray that Anna comes through another surgery with no problems and is able to continue with therapy next week. Poor sweet baby has been through so much and has not been herself over the past week.



Liz Bullington said...

We will be thinking of Anna tomorrow. I know this must be so difficult for all of you. Hang in there.

Shanna McKinney said...

Praying for your family!!

Steve and Jan said...


I pray this problem will be corrected and you will be back home again very soon. I know this must be such a stressful time for all of you. Please let us know if we can help you in any way.

We will be praying for you.
