Saturday, September 19, 2009

Still at Dell fighting pressure

Anna woke up this morning at 4 am with swelling just as she was prior to the surgery Friday morning. It is not good for issues to come up on the weekend. It took 5 hours to get Anna a new IV, get the right doc involved, order scans, and get the right pain medication order. I gave a warning to the nurses that my meltdown would commence if a doctor or pain medicine was not in our room within 5 minutes. The surgeon's assistant walked in with 30 seconds to spare.

Scans have now come back good showing that everything is in place. They have given her morphine and Tylenol with Oxycontin and wrapped her head in a compression to try to force the fluid through the valve in the shunt. Not sure how much more this precious angel can take.

Surgeon will re-evaluate in the am.

Please pray that the swelling and pressure will be reduced and we can go home in a few days.

Mimi and Jack Daddy update: they were planning to leave tomorrow, but will stay until we are safe and sound at home. LOVE THEM!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Rebecca,
We are ALL praying for God's healing hands to be upon sweet Anna. We are also praying for strength and encouragement for you all. We love you so much!
Jan C