Monday, March 24, 2008

Update on Anna

Not sure if anyone reads this anymore, but we do have a few updates. First of all, Ouma is visiting from South Africa. She arrived March 3 and is staying until May 4. We are so excited having her to visit us and to spend time with the girls. We had a fun Easter and look forward to a nice Spring in Austin. As you might notice from the pictures, Anna had to get a short haircut. Her hair was so uneven, it was hard to decide what to do. Lucky she is so pretty! Now I wish people would stop calling her a He! Camille was so sweet when we got her haircut that she also wanted to get all of her hair cut off too. We compromised and just got a shorter haircut and not as much as Anna's.

Lastly, Anna's surgery did not work. She had 1 seizure in Jan., 2 in February, and now 4 in March. We start meeting with Doctors again this week and next week, and then again on April 17. One Doctor has already advised us to try another medicine. There is only a very slim chance that it might reduce her seizures. The surgeon that we meet with on April 17 will probably advise us to start running more scans and tests for another surgery, but it is too soon for us to start thinking of putting Anna through another long list of difficult test and another stay in the hospital. For now we will listen to what they have to offer, but we have no plans to move forward for awhile.

Thank for checking in on us and we will post an update in another few weeks or so....


Mary said...

Hi Anna. I love the haircut and think you are such a beautiful little girl. Are you having a nice visit with your Ouma? I hope you are enjoying your Spring and visits with the family. All our love, Finn and Mary

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