Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Back to the drawing board

Well, we were on the road to accepting Anna's life long battle with seizures and now we are told to reconsider surgery. Anna's seizures have increased and she has started having them when she is awake, rather than sleeping as in the past. There is a new pediatric surgeon in Austin (considered on of the top in the country) that specializes in Epilepsy. Our team of doctors met again this past Monday and decided to recommend a full callostomy, which is scary. Just google it or go to epilepsy.com. We have the option of doing a partial callostomy, but the results in seizure control might not be as great as a full callostomy. WIth a full callostomy, is almost certain that it will somewhat impair her vision, but if the surgery can improve seizure control, we might need to really consider this procedure. We meet with the surgeons next Thursday to discuss. Pray for us as we have to make decisions over the next month.

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