Well, there is a lot to report this morning. Anna had a tube inserted yesterday to assist with getting her seizure meds down. Last night, she took some broth down with a syringe and a couple of bites of pudding. Anna and Louis slept well last night and she didn't require any morphine overnight. This morning, she took more a few more bites of pudding and has been more awake.
Today they are planning to remove the arterial line and send in a PT and OT to start working with her on sitting up and moving her right side. We will be in PICU at least one more night. If all goes well today and tonight, then we might be able to move to the IMC tomorrow. The IMC is one step down from PICU.
Camille came up for her first visit last night. She handled it well and patted Anna's tummy to help her stop crying. She advised all the nurses of her technique to help them take better care of Anna. The nurses all assured her that they received her training and would do their best!
Prayer requests: for Anna to stay comfortable and to become more alert, begin movement on the right side, no complications and no infections. Pray for Mimi and Jack Daddy to hold up and provide comfort - this is really hard on them, and for little Camille.
Love and Blessings to All,
Just prayed for all of you and for sweet Anna's recovery. So glad to hear about Anna's progress today. I'm asking God to strengthen you all and keep His healing hands upon Anna. We love you much!
I'm so glad things are getting better for sweet Anna. Will be praying for comfort for her and you!
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